Grand Lodge of Latvia
piektdiena, 13. septembris, 2024
Grand Lodge of Latvia

On March 8 2003, three regular and internationally recognized Lodges in Latvia which until that day had been operating within the Masonic fraternity of the United Grand Lodges of Germany, united in a National Grand Lodge under the name of Grand Lodge of Latvia. Within the new fraternity, the participating Lodges intend to revive and foster traditions established in 1750 by the former freemasons’ lodges of Riga, Jelgava, Liepâja and Aizpute.

The Grand Lodge of Latvia is open to people from all walks of the society. It unites spiritually and socially open-minded men with different philosophical, religious and political views thus following the instructions formulated in “Ancient Charges of a Free Mason“: people who would otherwise remain strangers are united in brotherly harmony through Freemasonry. No mater how Freemasons themselves postulate their beliefs the decisive factor is their attitudes to people as manifested in daily life.