Grand Lodge of Latvia
otrdiena, 22. oktobris, 2024
On Freemasonry / Role of Freemasonry in Society

Freemasons believe that there are two things required for making lives of both, separate individuals and social groups meaningful: understanding of the world we all live in and inward confidence guiding our practical activities. Lodges should contribute to the process of guidance in values by providing information and joint contemplation practices. The reflection of truth in the light of humanity, fraternity, tolerance, placidity and social justice may provide landmarks needed in hard moments of decision.

Avoiding socio-political utopias, Freemasons do not provide a ready made detailed answer on the world order. The concepts of humaneness and tolerance however, enable them to notice danger early and undertake appropriate action.

Freemasonry offers a way of life-long development based on strong principles, sense of inclusion and perfection of one’s personality. The principles expected of a freemason to guide his actions are tolerance, equality, charity and honour. The Freemason demonstrates these principles by practicing tolerance to others, respecting other people’s opinion, having a great tact in dealing with people, understanding and practicing compassion and attending to the needs of the surrounding society. Through ceremonies making use of tools of stone masons from the Middle Ages, the Freemasons interpret these principles to their younger fellows at the Lodge.

Freemasonry accepts diversity of opinion and declines any grading of brothers by the race or political views. At the same time, Freemasons are expected to believe in a Supreme Being, a detailed understanding of which is left at their own discretion.

Freemasons promote development of each individual in order to improve the society as a whole.